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Fire Pump Testing & Inspection

Star Fire Sprinkler
Star Fire Sprinkler
Fire Pump Testing
Fire Pump Testing
Fire Pump Testing

Well-maintained automatic fire pump systems are reliable and play a key role in reducing death rates and property damage during fire emergencies. Regular inspection and testing go a long way toward ensuring your fire pump offers you complete fire protection. 


Like all other equipment, fire pumps deteriorate over time. Fire pumps are also vulnerable to external factors such as corrosive environments, tampering, accidental damage, and careless use. Since they are used so infrequently, fire pumps must also be routinely inspected to determine their condition, operability, and need for routine maintenance.


The FDNY, NFPA 25, and your fire insurance company all require monthly non-flow testing of fire pumps.


NFPA 25 also requires a yearly performance test in which performance readings are recorded at no flow, 100% of rated flow, and 150% of rated flow. Annual flow testing is typically performed by qualified personnel who better understand the fire pump operation.

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